Starting a Freedom Ministry In Your Church

Five years ago I confessed and became transparent and bold.

I took a scary step and began teaching a 5-part class on how to find freedom from the past. Over the past 5 years, I have edited this series by deepening its content and adding my own personal journey of freedom. Our Freedom Journey classes have expanded to a 6-part class with a follow-up 3-part class called “Freedom Forward.” Hundreds of people have found freedom, and I am so thankful and humbled by what God has done and continues to do!

Why was it scary? I have always been a teacher of God’s word, but I had never pushed hard into deliverance ministry. I was nervous about things getting “weird,” or out of control. Can you say, “lie of the enemy?” Of course, theologically I knew God had all power and that I had authority in the name of Jesus, but I was very nervous about manifestations, or people going off the deep end.

When I told my story it stripped a great weapon from the enemy’s hands.
— Pastor Tim

With an incredible team of experienced and wise people, we have seen eyes opened, wounds healed, forgiveness extended into the darkest places, and the grace and counsel of the Holy Spirit work mightily! All of this has happened without the loss of control —Jesus has ALL power over the works of the enemy, and it is in that power that we operate.

Have you thought about starting a freedom ministry in your church? If so, more than ever the need is great. As our world spirals into deeper confusion and deception we must give people a safe space to break free from the past, find healing, and step into a future of freedom.

Over the next few blog posts, I will be sharing our strategy and the sessions we offer in Freedom 1: Freedom Journey and the follow-up class titled Freedom Forward. You can do this, and I guarantee there are hundreds of people in your church and community that need freedom, don’t hold back, sharpen the sword and join me in destroying the works of the enemy.

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